Old member returning with a controversial question

I like flexis for final wazz(mt permaflex best), but if you get only one thing get the speedskim, it changed things for me, never so flat, takes good chunk of effort out. Bought the ox speedskim first off, but now use refina version with pole attachment. More ergonomic, can use pole attachment for handle which it's handy.
I like flexis for final wazz(mt permaflex best), but if you get only one thing get the speedskim, it changed things for me, never so flat, takes good chunk of effort out. Bought the ox speedskim first off, but now use refina version with pole attachment. More ergonomic, can use pole attachment for handle which it's handy.
I made a speed skim years ago about 15 years ago still got it
Wat size nela maxes are u all using. Tempted but I cant see where it use sits in a set if you already use a plastic trowel to final polish ??
For decent size areas......Get it on with a steel mt, flatten with speedskims, mt comes back out for any areas the speedskim is struggling with.

how can a 14 inch trowel be faster than a 900 or 1200 speed skim for flattening