
Just wanted to say hand issues I have had this week on my return to skimming,for me though am sure it’s my cleaning part , gripping sponges and micro clothes and wiping stuff down more than actually trowel or hawk holding
Was painting render today which as said earlier variety of work has been good maybe for me anyway
8 week turnaround on 20 ounce plants so I hear
The future is old school , don't like modern , wants to be under 4% THC and higher CBT, had 2% THC better than modern stuff
I'd have to join that garden forum after all
A friend grew big time in Carcassonne France , they had all sorts of tricks , a few weeks before harvest they split the stem 8" above ground , the plant goes onto panic mode ( cold weather can do it as well ) , reckoned it upped the cannaboid content but the real bonus was the plant gets rid of the chlorophyll ( the green ) to produce a golden colour for a really nice taste ,
Another way to process dried green is to soak in Luke warm water , very gently , then slowly dry again , ( some of THC is converted to CBT ) , it dries very dark as the green chlorophyll is released into the water , the result is lighter in weight a bit but taste is better , also can half dry then cure with orange peel mmmm
Variety is the spice of life
Are you interested in selling the rest
Is that aimed at me Froggy? If so, no I have absolutely no intention of selling the land. I would however like to find a way to make it work for us, hence my interest in @Danny and his honey empire. Cricket bat willows are another longer term idea.
Continuous 8-week crop when cuttings are vegging against them;)
All said it's very f****** tempting when you hear ear you can get £12,000 no VAT man, of 6 plants every 8 weeks what a retirement plan, don't know how much truth there is to it
Oh absolutely mate I absolutely love the place. My wife reckons it'll add years to both our lives. She obviously hasn't seen me with a chainsaw lol.
Priceless , tell everyone to do likewise ,
Is that aimed at me Froggy? If so, no I have absolutely no intention of selling the land. I would however like to find a way to make it work for us, hence my interest in @Danny and his honey empire. Cricket bat willows are another longer term idea.
Looks like the ideal location for wedding receptions with glam camping
All said it's very f****** tempting when you hear ear you can get £12,000 no VAT man, of 6 plants every 8 weeks what a retirement plan, don't know how much truth there is to it
Question of morals , not for me personally but my stronger moral compass tells me that I'd rather you made the cash than all the billions that flood into criminals and terrorists. law won't stop it that's for sure, should be legal for own consumption , the trouble with black market kids get easily led into other stuff , most coppers I know agree and often tell smokers to keep it hush , alcohol culture for youth is the real danger to society
Question of morals , not for me personally but my stronger moral compass tells me that I'd rather you made the cash than all the billions that flood into criminals and terrorists. law won't stop it that's for sure, should be legal for own consumption , the trouble with black market kids get easily led into other stuff , most coppers I know agree and often tell smokers to keep it hush , alcohol culture for youth is the real danger to society
Agree, that's why I'm working my b*ll***s off earning an honest moral living this morning
Agree, that's why I'm working my b*ll***s off earning an honest moral living this morning
When I grew I thought I'd make a dent in the local " economy " and gave it away , also set up many people, with plants and advice , but human nature as it is most sold on so I stopped.
My other issue , of probably more social importance
When a young lad dabbles in a bit of puff it drives a wedge of deceit between him ( or her ) and the security of their parents and family and makes them vulnerable
What was you intending to do anyway @FreeD in stead of rendering plastering , I thought about what else I could possibly do year after year and always conclude I’d make no money at all doing anything else , my bro packed in plastering few years ago and got a “normal “ job not sure exactly what he earns but am sure it’s under £500 a week take home pay
Let’s not forget there’s a shortage of youth coming through and many skilled knowledgeable older plasterers packing in id say for a forty something year old it’s never been a better time for you or us
There’s a real shortage of renderers about, I had a good contact book of them, but I’ve noticed a lot of the old boys (some not even that old)are retiring or doing something different due to years of toll on there bodies, or have made there money.I’ve 6 in at the moment and I’m the second youngest at 38, 4 are in there late 50’s.
Retirement? Well there's two parts to that as far as I'm concerned, what you're going to do, and how you're going to fund it. If you don't have the answer to both of those you're not ready to retire IMHO. A detailed plan is as much use as no plan at all because there are too many variables.

30, 40, 50 or 60, even if you can afford to retire if you just stop and do nothing you'll be a vegetable in five years and dead in ten.

It doesn't matter what age you are, the aim is to look after your family the best you can, and make yourself as happy as you can. Think of the best way you can do that and you'll realise that work, retirement, hobbies are all just a means to an end.
Wise words,
That’s why I didn’t sell my business a few years ago to retire in my mid 30s, I don’t know anything different, and would miss the cut and thrust of it all, even with other investments, house paid off, I would have been an overweight vegetable in months.
Wise words,
That’s why I didn’t sell my business a few years ago to retire in my mid 30s, I don’t know anything different, and would miss the cut and thrust of it all, even with other investments, house paid off, I would have been an overweight vegetable in months.
Did a bit of site skimming in London last year £5/m , I'm old school sand and cement , for the hassle of outside weather although I loved it I couldn't afford to go back to it as a solo
Wise words,
That’s why I didn’t sell my business a few years ago to retire in my mid 30s, I don’t know anything different, and would miss the cut and thrust of it all, even with other investments, house paid off, I would have been an overweight vegetable in months.

Perfectly illustrates the point. If you'd sold your business you'd have ended up spending some of the proceeds doing something to fill your time so that you didn't miss having the business.

I have no intention of retiring, do the same sort of things in a different way, different things altogether, only work half a year, start a business doing French polishing, restore and sell classic bikes, run a rare bookshop or whatever. Whichever way that goes it will pay it's way and turn a profit whilst keeping me occupied by choice rather than necessity.
Retirement? Well there's two parts to that as far as I'm concerned, what you're going to do, and how you're going to fund it. If you don't have the answer to both of those you're not ready to retire IMHO. A detailed plan is as much use as no plan at all because there are too many variables.

30, 40, 50 or 60, even if you can afford to retire if you just stop and do nothing you'll be a vegetable in five years and dead in ten.

It doesn't matter what age you are, the aim is to look after your family the best you can, and make yourself as happy as you can. Think of the best way you can do that and you'll realise that work, retirement, hobbies are all just a means to an end.
Yes f*** it keep bringing the bread home worry about it when it comes
Am sure we all have this same kind of thread every autumn on here lol dark mornings dark nights , plus the dreaded multi has gone s**t thread
( the green ) to produce a golden colour for a really nice taste ,
What like randoms. They taste nice . The new sour ones are even nicer. Or just a nicer tasting s**t. Never heard any one take a drag of a joint and say hmmm that tastes nice.
They normal talk in a different tone pass it to next person and say get some of that man
Is anyone on here pain free? I am.

Not sure if it counts, but all of my aches and pains were caused by injuries unrelated to work. That said, there are quite a few so I maybe safer at work and that's another reason not to retire! :LOL: