Scud the blockwork


Active Member
Does anyone scud new blockwork before scratching it.

The architect asked me am I going to scud the blockwork before scratching it. I said no. He asked why not. I said that’s why the blocks have holes in them to provide a key.
Does anyone scud new blockwork before scratching it.

The architect asked me am I going to scud the blockwork before scratching it. I said no. He asked why not. I said that’s why the blocks have holes in them to provide a key.
Most Irish do
Yea. I’m Irish lol. Don’t think I will bother. Don’t see any need for it. An SBR mix applied onto the blockwork then scratch while still tacky would be a better job. If needed at all
Yea. I’m Irish lol. Don’t think I will bother. Don’t see any need for it. An SBR mix applied onto the blockwork then scratch while still tacky would be a better job. If needed at all
So sbr scud instead of a scud
Does anyone scud new blockwork before scratching it.

The architect asked me am I going to scud the blockwork before scratching it. I said no. He asked why not. I said that’s why the blocks have holes in them to provide a key.
I do
Never scudded new block here, (except the thermolite) in my nelly. I have seen it done, apparently helps stop joints in the block work showing through as its drying. None the gangs I have ever been in have ever done it though.
Never scudded new block here, (except the thermolite) in my nelly. I have seen it done, apparently helps stop joints in the block work showing through as its drying. None the gangs I have ever been in have ever done it though.
Think a lot of the blockwork showing through is down to too thin of a scratch coat.
Think a lot of the blockwork showing through is down to too thin of a scratch coat.
Certainly effects it, can also be if the bricklayers have laced f**k out there mortar with Feb, then can cause it to dry in to the joints and u see them, but definitely if paper thin scratch goes on every chance joints will show through
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Certainly effects it, can also be if the bricklayers have laced f**k out there mortar with Feb, then can cause it to dry in to the joints and u see them, but definitely if paper then scratch goes on every chance joints will show through
I seen lads using sbr over the joints like pva to seal them. Said it stops them showing through
Years ago when I started nearly everything was scudded but in the boom that all went by the wayside.
I only really scud if the need is there. As in the block layers muck having been laced with mortiser, the joints been left shiny from the back of the trowel from them or so on.
Or of course the customer wants it as the blocks are so smooth :LOL:
It kills the suction and also aids in helping it stick, as there’s little or no key on blocks
But suction actually helps with adhesion.
I had an Irish guy work with me for a few years and he could see that there was no need to scud Thermalite/Celcon blocks straight away, but as soon as he went back to the rainy isle he started scudding again. Go figure.
But suction actually helps with adhesion.
I had an Irish guy work with me for a few years and he could see that there was no need to scud Thermalite/Celcon blocks straight away, but as soon as he went back to the rainy isle he started scudding again. Go figure.

There’s suction and there’s thermalite suction, that turns the s&c to dust . Well that’s what do anyway !!
I've done literally hundreds of house's on Thermalite/Celcon blocks. I never scud or seal the blockwork when using S&C and it has never once turned to dust.
I've done literally hundreds of house's on Thermalite/Celcon blocks. I never scud or seal the blockwork when using S&C and it has never once turned to dust.
What do u do instead. They tend to dry in far to quickly. They are a c**t of a thing.
I'll scud if am payed to do it. 2to1 mix. It's not needed tho. It can help to stop the joints coming through tho.