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Are you using it to flatten or trowel up mate? I found it tore it in patches especially the angles but I thought it was old board
im only useing it for flattening at the moment i changed a few things today in regards to the way i used it and it got a little bit better and i can see the potential for it to be quicker but at the mo its not quicker for me, im still useing it everytime to try and get used to it but its eating up the time at the mo
Still can't get used to mine either. Gone back to the 24 inch spat its much quicker and easier. Maybe I'm doin something wrong too???
Digging in on the edges, not neat enough to flatten second coat, hard work to use on ceilings. Can only see myself using it on big open walls. Anything small with windows sockets, wires etc it's just awkward.
im doin a bit of both dave large areas 2 coat with flatten in between and smaller areas get a posh one coat i have no problem with useing the tool any more i think ive got that one sussed but its just wen you cut back you always get a little bit thats harder yeah with the trowel it goes in to the skim nicley and does not notice but the speedskim drags it through the finish coat and scars the finish, although todays areas i used it on did come out nice with it just got to get used to it a bit more i guess, def needs a handle for ceilings though
wen i used mine today i just kept the angle of the thing quite tight and i found it diddnt leave the skim open anymore. i cross trowel after anyway so it gets closed in then
I use upvc window cill i've got 1.5 metres in the van it works a treat...lay on your first coat, when it picks up glide it across...flattened off a 40m2 ceiling the other day in about 5 mins.
Hey thats a damn good shout might try that...bit more expensive though m8 not sure I can stretch the budget
Hi all - We are listening to all of the comments - and they're all very important. We understand what some of you are saying and can appreciate that the Speedskim is new to you all. We do know from experience (from professionals we have tested with) that you have to get used to the Speedskim like any other tool. It goes without saying that some of you won’t get on with it and feel more comfortable with your current methods. We notice some of you are finding using Speedskim on ceilings is awkward - but this is classic example of having to get used to it and its feel. Professional plasterers who have had Speedskim for a short while now, and who have familiarised themselves with its capabilities are finding they can complete larger areas especially on their own - that they would have struggled to attempt previously in one hit. Some of the comments are very relevant especially the one about the corners. Speedskim, although fit for purpose - like any other tool does benefit from being broken in, and applying sand paper gently to the corners is helpful to accelerate this wear. A neat pole attachment is in the process of manufacture and will be available shortly. This attachment will also take getting used to. As we said it’s not going to be everyone's cup of tea and we appreciate that fully. The construction industry is constantly changing and we feel that in today's climate it’s essential to move forward and embrace new techniques…:RpS_thumbup:
M8 thats a good shout Its less obvious than taking a cill...i'll just fill the cavity up with bog roll after and skim it.
hi mate. im really not trying to get your case, and as i said before, i do appreciate the speedskim you sent me. i understand the concept. i use a refina s*p*r*lex spat 1.2m so im familiar with using the tool also. but i really do have to ask, aside from flattening the 1st coat of skim, which i would say it is useful for, are you able to back up the other things you state it does, ie 100-200% more plaster per day, ruling render, one coat etc?
Nick why do you spat mp75 mate?

once its been ruled, depending on how big the wall is, once its picked up either straightedge right on the edge, s*p*r*lex again at a harsh angle or use a spat to open the surface up before sponging
Nick do you not look after your tools I always thought you to be a tidy worker hmm.

I think when the smaller size speedskims come on line they will also be good in someways better then the large one. I also
think on certain walls which are not full of sockets like in kitchens are, I can just about trowel a walls up with it , dont forget there are two side to the tool depending which side you use to finish wall with.
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