The Half Time Bucket Test

good to see halftime being used to get jobs done quicker plasteres either finishing earlier or doing a bit more and making more money from it.used it myself last week on a small kitchen ceiling job done in under an hour just had enough time to put it on tidy up and i was away and home can be used i satchet to one bag and it still makes the plaster set quicker the instructions are only a guideline
Nearly 100quids worth of pricework skim put on at 3.30 on a Friday afternoon and still home by 5.00.
That to me is an increase cause it's a gauge that wouldn't of happened without 4quids worth of accelerator in it.
Id of been home at 3.35 instead 96 quid worse off.
well worth it then scottie
I think so(y).
i Just ordered a load of it from p1ss:birra:.
I'll probably end up OD'ing on though o_O.
glad you like it it,s on at £1.50 a bag on one stop shop so i think it is cheap enough got a lot moaning about the price i say just put it on the job let the customer pay plaster is cheap so a few extra £ on accelerator wo,nt matter?
glad you like it it,s on at £1.50 a bag on one stop shop so i think it is cheap enough got a lot moaning about the price i say just put it on the job let the customer pay plaster is cheap so a few extra £ on accelerator wo,nt matter?

Its all good I think.
Home to the Family 2hrs earlier for the sake of 3quid.
You'd have to either hate your family or be from Yorkshire to think it's overpriced.
Nearly 100quids worth of pricework skim put on at 3.30 on a Friday afternoon and still home by 5.00.
That to me is an increase cause it's a gauge that wouldn't of happened without 4quids worth of accelerator in it.
Id of been home at 3.35 instead 96 quid worse off.

That is nice :D
Watch the firms start screwing the prices down soon as they get wind of it.

suppose they'll all be doubling the prices if I was to fcuk loads of extra-time retarder in my gauges would they?.
The self employed work to the thistle not some pr1cks whistle.
Prices seem to drop the faster things get done .
You're dead right there.I'm sick of people asking me how many days will that take or else trying to tell me how long it should take.I'm too long on the go now for that s*it.Just give them a price and take it or leave it.
You're dead right there.I'm sick of people asking me how many days will that take or else trying to tell me how long it should take.I'm too long on the go now for that s*it.Just give them a price and take it or leave it.
Worked with an old painter yrs ago he was on with a firm when rollers first made an appearance , he said everyone scoffed and said they were just a gimmick including the boss who said they'd never be using them.
Well other firms did one by one but they carried on with the "emulsion flats " until they'd lost out on so many jobs it was change or go under .
Suddenly, like all the other firms output increased but that was the new norm and even if the developers were coining the extra in that wasn't passed down the line.:endesacuerdo:
Worked with an old painter yrs ago he was on with a firm when rollers first made an appearance , he said everyone scoffed and said they were just a gimmick including the boss who said they'd never be using them.
Well other firms did one by one but they carried on with the "emulsion flats " until they'd lost out on so many jobs it was change or go under .
Suddenly, like all the other firms output increased but that was the new norm and even if the developers were coining the extra in that wasn't passed down the line.:endesacuerdo:
Is that true? What year did rollers come out ?

Would this work with magnetic plaster you think? I might say to tech people then :)
Isn't your stuff ready mixed? I don't think it would contain gypsum coz it's already mixed but only guessing, the half time changes the chemical reaction in the gypsum so it sets quicker but only guessing :)
i have not yet tested halftime on magnetic plaster.would have to look at what is in the plaster first to see if it would work but for know i would say do,nt use not want any thing going wrong with the mix.haltime works on gypsum
i have not yet tested halftime on magnetic plaster.would have to look at what is in the plaster first to see if it would work but for know i would say do,nt use not want any thing going wrong with the mix.haltime works on gypsum
To be honest it would be too much of a gamble on the magnetic plaster BG do coz of its expense and it sets ok.

Thanks both, I might say to tech people anyway. It takes a bit to dry comparing to wallcoverings for example which take something like 30 min to apply and you are done :)