Got 56 bags to play with .. Fully aware I have a screw loose,this small machine I not seen running and there ain't much info anywhere the only one I seen working like it is one little video on youtube so hoping it spray's at roughly the same pace I waiting on a hire cost from a guy today so I not buying no machine till I find one that works for my plan.tbh it's going one way or the other case scenario it works and worse case is it don't work and I hand ball either way I can't wait to find out..
The Refina one is 25kg in weight and I don't mind mixing and pooring it in I not be doing massive area's.
If it does I can see I might end up having a couple of machine's as clearly can see the Ritmo is popular on exterior works
Hopefully in a couple of weeks and if some of my jobs work out right I also getting the eze hired for a bash on thistle spray inside as well.