The price initially put me off but then the setting time of 1.5 hours sounds good when you add what else your saving with not PVAing you might easily get that extra hit in but what surprises me is its not for machine plastering, Its surprising, they bring out a spray plaster then lets say a year later bring out a unifinish, why not bring out a unifinish spray plaster? Or maybe whats next for £15 a bag
but hopefully a percentage of that going to me coz its my idea...................i just made it up and you are all my witnesses. If i make a fortune out of this idea i am willing to give each member a free bag of spray unifinish when you send me the reciept for £14.50 + VAT............**** its been done, What about a free shower? Na its a plasterers forum so what do you recon i should give as a prize (one each).