Does this mean we have a decent plaster for hardball again?
What can they do to stop the suction though? They can add additives to help it stick but what's the point if its gone and you can't trowel it up, pvaing porous surfaces is never a problem it could come into its own over artex and low suction where you have to use gypbond
what we need is a plaster that once a first coat has been applied it kills most of the suction ready for the second coat.excellent point what we need is a plaster that bubbles a bit more over hardwall
What we could do with is you go in you're kitchen, turn you're oven on and stick you're head in it and count to 100what we need is a plaster that once a first coat has been applied it kills most of the suction ready for the second coat.
Multi on hardwall is shite. If that was a new system and someone showed you that compared to S+C and multi you would tell them **** off. Now when BG used to sell seraphite you could float a house out then turn back and skim it, the system worked. We need a plaster that can do that again. Simple
Really and where was the last house you skimmed with seraphite mr 29year old
If you can't skim hardwall it might be worth shutting up and stop telling people that you can't and making a fool out of yourself in front of thousands of people on the interweb
Personally i think thats a crock of sh*te, I like multi on hardwall they work well together, But only if you don't float more than you can then set the same day, ialso remember when Hardwall was brought in on sites instead of S&C no one told anyone to fook off, They just got on and used it, simple rule Float only what you can Set the same day
Thats because they had the correct product to finish it with back then.
Hardwall and multi work together well? Get real its shite
I been plastering for 17 years and i dont mind admitting that until now ive never even heard of seraphite as for multi on hardwall theres no probs only problem is the suction from the block i.e thermalite or durox, they should bring back carlite finish for that it was beltin.
Thats because they had the correct product to finish it with back then.
Hardwall and multi work together well? Get real its shite
Have you ever used anything else?Personally i have never had a problem using multi on any surface
As a skimmer I would not know anything about backing coats so I would blame the plaster. Why what's wrong with the backing coat I thought it was all good and no one had any issues.More to do with the backing than the finish wouldn't you agree skimmer?
Have you ever used anything else?
Really? You can put your hand on your heart and say if you use either BG gyprime or Knauf HSP your still happy with the way hardwall and multi pre forms?
You can get a good finish but its hard work and what I don't understand is why if BG had products that worked better then what we have now did they remove them from the market?
S+C and multi works sweet
Hardwall and multi sucks balls