'Science' is all about the money, these days. Scientists have families and running labs full of expensive equipment costs a lot.
Whoever is willing to provide 'research grants' always has an agenda they are seeking to advance, whether it be for good or bad - very few organisations or individuals are willing to throw hundreds of thousands, or millions, of dollars at research they stand to gain nothing from. Even fewer organisations or individuals are willing to throw hundreds of thousands, or millions, of dollars at subsequent research, if earlier research they financed failed to provide the 'evidence' they were hoping for, and consequently, almost all scientists realise that their job probably depends on satisfying those financing their research grants, by providing them with the evidence they seek to advance their agenda.
A case in point is the rise of GMO, and the 'scientific studies' supposedly backing up it's proposed 'harmlessness'. That house of cards has taken quite a beating, recently.
Follow the money.
Who stands to gain from the demonisation of fossil fuels?
Who stand to gain from weakening the dominance of the petro-dollar? (not that I am a fan of that system, but the question itself still stands, nonetheless)
Who stands to gain from brainwashing the public into (soon) accepting the asserted 'legitimacy' of carbon taxes? Such taxes are on the way - just wait and see.
Who stands to gain from demonising countries who are struggling to lift themselves out of poverty, necessarily increasing their fossil fuel usage in order to undertake infrastructure development?
FWIW, I actually would like to see humankind using natural resources more responsibly, and reducing their reliance upon fossil fuels, but not because of the 'global warming' brigade.
I don't get wound up about it, personally, as I take a broader view of life, but I will admit to being a bit irritated by how much the public is being endlessly conditioned to believe in the supposed 'scientific factual basis' of this agenda - and make no mistake: that's what it is - an agenda.