Thistle UniFinish Q&A

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So does it work the same as multi as in re-skims or is it just for board work

U can reskim with it but it's to slow to set on reskim. Works best on board work. Its easer to get a good finish with it then multi
U can reskim with it but it's to slow to set on reskim. Works best on board work. Its easer to get a good finish with it then multi

Whats the setting times ? Does that not just mean you know you can say put another wall on because of the extra time ?
Depends on background for the set time. But yes u can get more on. And it's a lot more forgiven then multi. If you see a mark on mp in your last trowel just bush it pull of the trowel mark gone
Depends on background for the set time. But yes u can get more on. And it's a lot more forgiven then multi. If you see a mark on mp in your last trowel just bush it pull of the trowel mark gone
To speed sets up would it be ok two coating with the same gear?what does an average set on board take(two coats)?
Depends on background for the set time. But yes u can get more on. And it's a lot more forgiven then multi. If you see a mark on mp in your last trowel just bush it pull of the trowel mark gone

I've used MP on boards, good gear . Are you sure you can overskim with it ? most UK walls old lime mortar (high suction) etc whereas Irish ones (low suction) being S/c and skimmed with gyplite etc. Is the irish MP the same as the stuff u get in UK ?
I've used MP on boards, good gear . Are you sure you can overskim with it ? most UK walls old lime mortar (high suction) etc whereas Irish ones (low suction) being S/c and skimmed with gyplite etc. Is the irish MP the same as the stuff u get in UK ?

Its the same as uk. Its not great to reskim with tbh. But u can use it for it last time I used it on a reskim it took 4 hours to set.
Its the same as uk. Its not great to reskim with tbh. But u can use it for it last time I used it on a reskim it took 4 hours to set.

4 hours over irish walls, prob pull in a lot quicker over 100 yr old london stuff. Plus I'm thinking stick the whole room on in one hit ? ( I work on my own ) . This could be the way forward, multi now is pure shi t. U trowel it up lovely but next day u see what I can only say are 'misses' filled with 'fat' . Clowns don't ask what fat is
I'm thinking the same Irish,it looks like it is easyer to get an even coloured finish and dries nice.
I'd like to see a patching plaster like bonding coat that doesn't shrink, and a waterproof backing coat that can be used for patching, that has the adhesion and workability of bonding coat, and the water resistant properties of sand and cement with waterproofer.
I'd like to see a patching plaster like bonding coat that doesn't shrink, and a waterproof backing coat that can be used for patching, that has the adhesion and workability of bonding coat, and the water resistant properties of sand and cement with waterproofer.
Thistle dri coat
I'm gonna give mp finish a try. Was in the local encon the other day and there was a bag lying below the counter. Didn't even know they stocked it.
Apparently BG offered Dougal the job but they thought he might be over qualified. What if the tea bags had burst in the caravan ?
From a plaster that isn't great at sticking to a Labrador that won't stop licking.

You don't get this in the Tilers (spit) Forum @BG
It seems the general consensus is that multi is infact dog turd to use these days.

Don't get me wrong I can get a nice finish with it but it just isn't the same gear as it was say...5 years ago, BG should definitely drop this unifinish nonsense and sort their multi out in my opinion.

I'm curious to try MP, how much is it per bag lads?
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