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  1. F

    Scud the blockwork

    Think a lot of the blockwork showing through is down to too thin of a scratch coat.
  2. F

    Scud the blockwork

    What mix u do your scud at
  3. F

    Scud the blockwork

    Suction?? Can u elaborate more
  4. F

    Scud the blockwork

    Why. Is there any need really
  5. F

    Scud the blockwork

    Well the sbr scud would be better. Scratch is applied instantly making it one. I dunno. No scud is necessary fek it
  6. F

    Scud the blockwork

    Yea. I’m Irish lol. Don’t think I will bother. Don’t see any need for it. An SBR mix applied onto the blockwork then scratch while still tacky would be a better job. If needed at all
  7. F

    Scud the blockwork

    Does anyone scud new blockwork before scratching it. The architect asked me am I going to scud the blockwork before scratching it. I said no. He asked why not. I said that’s why the blocks have holes in them to provide a key.
  8. F

    BAck to Basics

    Does anyone actually think the plazi or speedskim etc leaves a better finish
  9. F

    oven/grill on site

    If I had men working for me and they pulled out a George foreman I’d tell them to take it home and not come back. No time for that on site. Break would be over before it heated up
  10. F

    Skimming cracking

    Fewk knows. Hard to say without more info. Pics of job process would be good. Did you take a door and frame out and boarded over the entrance and skimmed it
  11. F

    Skim failed on ceiling what now help please!

    Let me guess. Was it a kitchen ceiling
  12. F

    Boarding and skimming ceiling tips ?

    Really??? In sure there isn't much left that we haven't discussed yet. But it's what keeps the forum going. Easier to make a post than search for answers.
  13. F

    Does anyone use Marshaltown strat to finish

    All this new stuff about. Does anyone use a Marshalltown trowel from start to finish. Haven’t got into the NELA or speedskim yet. Am I missing out. If it was your own house would you use it.
  14. F

    Whose fault is this and what to do next?

    Is it a stone house. Is it single cavity. Need more info
  15. F

    Danny is the Chuck Norris of plastering

    Giraffes were created when Danny uppercutted a horse.
  16. F

    Danny is the Chuck Norris of plastering

    Lol really. I heard if Danny wants your address u pack your bags without question, cause it’s his new home
  17. F

    Raised base depth.

    Customer wants a raised base. Normally I have it the thickness of a roofing lath. But they want it out heavier. Prob take 2 scratch coats and a final coat. What is the maximum you think I could get away. Was thinking of doing an 1.5inch depth.
  18. F

    Danny is the Chuck Norris of plastering

    Some say Danny is 456 years old
  19. F

    Danny is the Chuck Norris of plastering

    Danny calculates the square footage of a house by looking through the living room window
  20. F

    Danny is the Chuck Norris of plastering

    I heard Danny once walked in the front door of a 4 bedroom house came out 2 minutes later and the house was skimmed out.
  21. F

    Render with silver sand

    Scared to try silver sand ordinary cement and lime. Don't think it would give enough texture when rubbing up. Might see if I can get course white sand
  22. F

    Render with silver sand

    That's what I always thought. Maybe oilican uses different stuff. You would think it would hairline like crazy
  23. F

    Render with silver sand

    I might get a bag of lime and silver sand. Give it a mix and try it out. Doing my own house with it but never used it. Thought it might look better than ordinary render.
  24. F

    Render with silver sand

    Might give it a miss then. Think it will be too smooth. Was looking for a course finish. Bet the smooth is hard to rub up.
  25. F

    Render with silver sand

    I take it is the courser white sand not the fine stuff. Be dear buying over 100 bags of white Sand
  26. F

    Render with silver sand

    Sounds good Olican. So it's regular cement, Silver sand and hydrated lime. What mix do you use. If it was your own house would you still go with it.
  27. F

    Render with silver sand

    anyone tried rendering with silver sand. Gonna rub up a house just thought what it might look like. Want to try something different
  28. F

    Kirk giordanos floats

    I have always used a sponge to finish. Kirk uses all different sponge floats. I have tried different rubber or sponge floats of normal sand and cement render
  29. F

    Kirk giordanos floats

    Any of ever use the hard rubber floats or sponge floats we might use for skimming on our render like Kirk does
  30. F

    Scratch coat

    I agree. Thought I might be over doing it. Would you ever put waterproofer in the topcoat
  31. F

    Scratch coat

    would you straighten your scratch coat for rendering a house. Not many do it but if it was your own house would you
  32. F

    Banded lime render

    sounds like the norm to me
  33. F

    Would you go back to the milf

    On a job skimming and the old lady of the house running about in a nighty. Just happen to let the boob slip out as she was chatting. I got outta there and took a half day. Forgot my skimming trowel too. Ever happen to any of u
  34. F

    Render without lime

    Never used lime. Always use scratch coat 4:1 and top coat 5:1. Never had many major issues but guys in here seem to use 6:1:1. Sand:cement:lime. They seem to know what they are doing. But I wonder what they would use on their own house if doing it right
  35. F

    Plastic stop beads on lead flashing

    if you don't cut into the block, how do you set the led into the wall
  36. F

    Plastic stop beads on lead flashing

    Yea it would be safer up the block a bit but don't think it looks as good when its too high
  37. F

    Back breaker

    Is the blocked stepped out or did you coat it out that thickness
  38. F

    Plastic stop beads on lead flashing

    I am rendering a chimney before the slates go onto the roof. The lead is on, but the lead that goes under the outer lead flashing has to be done yet after the slates go on. Am i leaving the stop bead to low as when he lifts the lead to put the under flashing on it might crack the plaster. Photo...
  39. F

    pumped insulation v sheets

    don't think anyone knows the correct answer to the cavity insulation. Yea the free loft insulation condensation happened to me. The feckers installed it right to the corners stopping the air getting in. Went up there one day and the rafters were dripping wet
  40. F

    Laying Carpet

    Have any of you guys laid carpet before. I have a room with fireplace - 3.5 x 2.5m. Quite small. I was going to have a go at it myself. Is it hard.
  41. F

    A tricky one

    roof spread is what i think. They got joiners in to strengthen the roof and put new supports in. Its very bad. its even got a damp patch at the crack all the way round. Strange
  42. F

    A tricky one

    Will get photos next time i'm there. Forgot as usual. No cracks at the wall plate. Its one block below that it cracked. Looks terrible.
  43. F

    A tricky one

    I have a job to do patching a crack all the way round the top of a wall. The roof supposedly wasn't supported properly on a square house. Now the block at the top of the wall all the way round the house has been pushed back nearly 8mm in places. And large cracks all way round house. They have...
  44. F

    Pebble Dashing

    Make sure there is a lot waterp Proofer in the scratch coat. That will stop it drying too quickly
  45. F


    What's the difference between plastering and rendering. Or floating and rendering
  46. F

    Minimum screed

    2" x 3" was thinking that, 1.5" x 3" also be good
  47. F

    Minimum screed

    whats the best thickness of rule to use for pulling a floor - would it be 2" by 3" in thickness
  48. F

    concrete of cement

    I have a 40mm floor to lay in an old cottage. Was wondering should I use concrete or normal sand and cement. Is there any need for concrete. what ratio should i mix the sand & cement at if i choose that method I have the living room and kitchen so it only 50 m2 in total. Is there any benifits of...