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  1. P

    Tired of searching

    Sorry man, just can not understand how a plasterer can have the neck to ask the question you did. A bit like saying your plumber but need some advice on fitting a tap. Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  2. P

    Render Brick:-

    They look well man, think a four Inch band on the corners suit this kind of work rather than running into the nose of the bead though. Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  3. P

    Tired of searching

    The bit where you are skimming over old S&C, why would the PVA not kill the suction, and why would there be any problem. Have actually done any plastering before? The reason no threads about your problem is that most people would not consider it one. Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  4. P

    Tired of searching

    Is there any reason why it would not work do you reckon. Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  5. P

    Please help... Monocouche...

    He's changing the copings/cappings on a wall, what are ya going to do ring a coping fitter. If you can plaster the outside of a house you'd have no bother,how could you f... It up? especially as all your cuts would have been done already. Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  6. P

    Non scraped krend

    Have floated and sponged Krend reveals and bands, before doing walls with standard scraped finnish, looks really well as a shade or two darker. Saw the building today looks alright after ten years though it was the dark grey which I reckon ages better than Buttermilk. Sent from my HUAWEI...
  7. P

    Render to plasterboard

    When you say flood work you mean you are repairing flood damage, if so as all ready stated, tie in some block work. Slabs dont like water much. Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  8. P

    Insulated Board: Dot n Dab-able?

    Always bang a few fixings in , have never heard of a problem because you put to many mushrooms in. The insulation can and does lose purchase to the slab. Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  9. P

    Please help... Monocouche...

    Think Jdplast has indeed nailed it, breathable renders might have their uses but for the majority of double leaf or block external timber frame breathable is unnecessary and ages very poorly in this climate, must say have not seen any sealer which works long-term and surely a breathable paint...
  10. P

    Please help... Monocouche...

    Are you taking the piss or are you trying to get something across, the whole point of the post is the OP was sold a product he believed was low/no maintainance now discovers it is anything but, the system is being avoided by architects both private and public mainly for these reasons, poster...
  11. P

    Please help... Monocouche...

    Course you can, that's exactly what everyone is doing. Just that for a lot of home owners that could mean a cherry picker or such every couple of years. Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  12. P

    Aero-Therm Interior energy reflective products

    Saw this last night also, Link Removed Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  13. P

    Aero-Therm Interior energy reflective products

    My understanding of it is the finisher is sanded back. Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  14. P

    Aero-Therm Interior energy reflective products

    Reading more about Aerogel last night seems it is an excellent radiation insulator also, has it been found to effect mobile phone signals, WiFi networks etc. My own gaff is highly insulated and we have tripple glazing. Very low energy bills but need to go outside to take mobile calls. Sent from...
  15. P

    Plastering temperature

    Rowing machine, forty minutes three times a week, maybe a bench for twenty min after low weight high reps. Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  16. P

    Plastering hall an stairs ceiling

    Yeah stop bead but scrim around the angle first is best. Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  17. P

    Aero-Therm Interior energy reflective products

    If you are paying the kind of money involved in this product quality control would be a big factor. After all we are not talking a regular household name here. This stuff has been around nearly ninety years , up to now to saucey for any other than NASA etc. what garuntee have we on percentage of...
  18. P

    Plastering hall an stairs ceiling

    As above take of the board , pop in a few battons, job done. Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  19. P

    How much could I earn

    If you've been doing it for the last few years, surely you have a fair idea what kind of dough you can make, what can anyone on here tell you that you don't already know? Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  20. P

    Please help... Monocouche...

    Yeah we did a swimming pool in isle of dogs circa. 1989/90 Cemrend was the name alright. Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  21. P

    Please help... Monocouche...

    These coloured scratched back renders work really in continental climates. However they just seem unable to cope with the amount of warm damp weather we get here, no antifungal or sealing agents I have come across solve this problem. Eventually they will all end up being painted. With the price...
  22. P

    Aero-Therm Interior energy reflective products

    Would certainly open up a few more avenues to the product. Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  23. P

    Aero-Therm Interior energy reflective products

    Any idea of how this works with a lime mortar substrate? Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  24. P

    Aero-Therm Interior energy reflective products

    Been wondering about this also, modern glass fascade designs. could work really well with this type of product, except , what happens June, July. Think standard domestic applications are not where I would concentrate my efforts at the present price point. Corporates, consultants, legals...
  25. P

    Aero-Therm Interior energy reflective products

    Sorry ATP, looking through your numbers you say standard insulated build with U value of .25 when in actual fact an insulated 100mm cavity would typically expect a value in the region of .6 , maybe a typo or something but throws numbers somewhat. Have taken my numbers from sustainable energy...
  26. P

    Aero-Therm Interior energy reflective products

    Plus with oil at sub $30 pb would wonder about timing of going to market. Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  27. P

    Aero-Therm Interior energy reflective products

    Am always dubious of any system that purports to stop condensation other than a ventilation system. The notion that the room needs to be some kind of Aerogel envelope, surely this same with all insulation . Will eventually live or die on its science. Am surprised the passive house seen are not...
  28. P

    Aero-Therm Interior energy reflective products

    At the end of the day the success of this product hinges upon the added value it provides a property in energy savings, the institute where it was accredited and the methods and conditions of the testing. I was once offered some panels whose Solar yields were literally of the scale , on...
  29. P

    Aero-Therm Interior energy reflective products

    The gains in heat retention assume a very high level of radiated heat loss, in your normal domestic situation only a very small percentage of heat is lost in this manner, this product pretty much does the same job as foil backed slabs although obviously much more efficiently. Will be very...
  30. P

    Aero-Therm Interior energy reflective products

    What kind of R values does the product achieve over a standard application? Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  31. P

    Solid wall and cold spots

    That is exactly what happens, though mould building up unknowingly behind an insulated slab is very unhealthy, it is not the plastering /slabing causing the problem but poor ventilation of wet areas . Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  32. P

    Solid wall and cold spots

    When say noticeable, you mean condensation and maybe mould, which are symptoms of poor ventilation rather than cold bridging. Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  33. P

    Solid wall and cold spots

    Yes cold wall rather then cold spots or bridgings. Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  34. P

    Rendering a painted surface

    Read through thread man, grit or scud alone requires the paint to hold two coats of plaster in place, not best practice but you never know could last years then again might blow next're only as sound as your key to the substrate. Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  35. P

    Need advice on plastering penetrating damp

    Resealed frame? Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  36. P

    Need advice on plastering penetrating damp

    Could you batten and felt temporarily till which time the external can be finished, how long ago for dpc? could be residual, dehumidifier? If bonding saturated skimming is a no no. Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  37. P

    Why not spray domestic

    Fair enough have only ever used machines on site, we power washed every evening, could get fair messy around though. Lot of hassle for a few buckets of skim I reckon. And as I said more stuff that can go to s**t.....more stuff will go to s**t on ya. Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  38. P

    Need advice on plastering penetrating damp

    If the bonding is saturated am surprised it did not blow just as the skim, if the bonding saturated how will you skim over, presume cavity was scoped, strange to have cavity wall without dpc, are you below external ground level. Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  39. P

    Why not spray domestic

    It's a nice idea but if you have to mask everything up and practically finnish tape and joint , its just not practical, plus that's with nothing going wrong where in Mrs Jones front garden or brick paving are you going to wash machine in evening when you finnish up, all ways be minded of the...
  40. P

    What material to substitute sand and cement??

    I don't know man, as I said I would have loved the machine to still be popular here, as good labourers are impossible to find /pay nowadays,but I am doing nearly all one off builds and S&C is what is specified on everyone of them, the EWI gangs are using silicone based but they have become...
  41. P

    Rendering a painted surface

    Sparrow pick and scud. If you want bombproof and client willing to come through, metal lath is hard beat. Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  42. P

    Some Help & Advice Please...

    Wrong.........entry requirement for any apprenticeship is five d grades in junior cert one of which is maths. I know this because since 1994 I have put 5 lads through their time, three of whom passed their finals with distinctions, in the real world I dont tolerate muppets. this is my last truck...
  43. P

    What material to substitute sand and cement??

    I think the sea air don't suit the scraped Krend, monocouche type finishes, about eight ,nine yrs ago everyone was doing it around here, we thought it was the golden bullet, no more hard graft, inside five years they looked dreadful, you can spray with chlorine and power wash but seems to come...
  44. P

    Some Help & Advice Please...

    Where do you get the idea that plasterers are less skilled than sparks or pipes, it takes four years to serve your time as a plasterer and the same to qualify as a spark/plumber, they share the same entry requirements and are paid approximately the same CIF rates. Wake up man. While on the...
  45. P

    Vandex disaster

    Warm air holds much more moisture than cold air, even during wettest winter humidity is low, for high humidity think warm heavy July nights. HRV works by using the the warm humid air from kitchens, laundry and bathrooms to warm the fresh outside air and pump into living area bedrooms etc. Very...
  46. P

    Filling the next day??

    If it was me ,I wouldnt have it said I have filler on my walls, go in an hour early with a good strong light and reskim. Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  47. P

    board adhesive!

    I've seen gear get too much drill alright had a labourer once lazy f**k*r would stand looking into bucket till he saw my board getting empty and only then stop and empty out, think it eventually heats the skim up which speeds up the set. Anyway when labourer went home I open ed. up drill and...
  48. P

    Why not spray domestic

    Sure most domestic jobs I do would use an average of five bags of skim, many less than three, mixing the gear is never an issue. Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk
  49. P

    IWI on 9" solid wall

    It's a fine job from a plastering point of view, client needs to consider ventilation. Sent from my HUAWEI G6-L11 using Tapatalk