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  1. S

    Asbestos awareness training

    Even if the artex ceiling has got asbestos (Chrysotile White) in it's only a low amount like 3 to 5% as long as you sheet up properly keep spraying a mist of water, wear a suit and proper mask you can remove it safely. Your body can get rid of small amounts anyway, and your only supposed to work...
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    what a muppet

    Moans, spends more time cleaning and wears skin tight white jeans..... this was a bloke? :RpS_scared:
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    David price fight

    It was poor by Price I wasn't expecting that, but **** happens. Looks like Thompson wants to fight that joke Tyson fury next. Lol Beddy that vid is hilarious :RpS_laugh: even the guy couldn't take any more you could tell he was thinking ok, ok, stfu now you nob.
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    new super flex trowel

    haha, it looks shi t I wouldn't even wipe my ass with it. :RpS_laugh:
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    Scrim tape (I just want a good roll)

    Silver scrim was great when I first started using it, but it's not as sticky as it used to be and you get blobs of glue on the rolls sometimes - it's decent though and I still use it. I prefer the white scrim now though called 444 I recommend trying it out if you haven't, I find it sticks well.
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    Paddle mixers drills

    If you're going to spend atleast £100 on a mixer i'd just save abit more and get a REFINA MM19/1 Mega Mixer, which is what i did after that piece of crap mixer in the link above died on me. Buy cheap buy twice with mixers they just burn out when used every day. I've mixed everything with the...
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    Xbox 360

    Is it possible to play the backup :RpS_wink: games online without getting banned on xbox live, or is it instant ban when you sign in? I used to play COD till i tried battlefield which imo is ALOT better. If you guys that play cod try battlefield 3 I doubt that you'll go back to cod after you...
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    blue grit for rendering?????

    Like Spunky said just SBR slurry it. I saw a guy using Thistle Bond-It on what just looked like painted plain render before applying Monocouche, and thought you couldn't use it externally, maybe just got lucky with it :RpS_confused:
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    how bigs yours?

    I've got a 14" and a 20" The bigger ones are great because they're obviously quicker if you do alot of bigger areas. I was doing alot of curved ceilings not long ago and found the bigger ones ideal for the curves because they're more flexible with the foam on, so it just glides around the...
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    Nice Coving!

    Thats a nice place, what a view :RpS_drool: Quality work there Tony, looks tidy :RpS_thumbup: What did you use for the curved backing?
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    spots showing through artex

    Grease/nicotine spots coming through, definitely stain block it. Watched a subby trying to skim a greasy/nicotine kitchen ceiling once it was sliding all over the place, he was fuming saying I'm going to tell that fat bitch to lay off the chips, was funny.
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    Can this be plastered

    Knock it down. sorted
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    skimming onto dry PVA - will the plaster blow ?

    I assume when you say you don't use unibond anymore, you use bond it on every job then.... why? More cost and time whats the point when it's not needed all the time.
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    making a mould to exsisting coving?

    Quality work there Mike, i'm liking the pics the arch and columns look smart. Get the rest of those pics up! And like you said it definitely isn't easy to get right.
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    Well I did my room, well closet

    Did you give yourself two coats as well when you did the ceiling :flapper: 4 bags :-0 If you skimmed over your skim you would stuggle even more mate, as it would suck in alot faster than the board. Not bad for your first go though you'll have the other rooms looking like your best bit in...
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    everbuild super scrim

    Tried that super scrim out today, you were right it's the worst scrim i've ever used, brand new roll straight out the packet and it was s**t not sticky at all. Think i'll stick to silver scrim.
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    everbuild super scrim

    I haven't found one yet they all do it :RpS_thumbdn: Even silver scrim isn't as sticky as it used to be and frays, you get blobs of glue on the rolls alot now to. I've got a roll of that super scrim, I haven't tried it yet though.
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    Old Bonding not setting!!??**

    LOL Nisus imagine doing that haha :RpS_laugh: Spunky, I've seen loads of damp walls (maybe yours? j/k :flapper:) were bonding has been used, water has eventually got in and it's just soaked up the water like a sponge and just falls off - crumbles. I just wouldn't recommend it in those...
  19. S

    Old Bonding not setting!!??**

    Stop getting showers :RpS_biggrin: No, but seriously don't use bonding for a shower area, and it's not recommended to tile straight on to it no.
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    Free day's labouring for a day's work with quick spreads, N Wales / N West Eng

    TBH I don't see how just watching someone skim for a day will make you faster, unless they have a magic trowel and wave it around and it's done. (some site managers think you can do this :) ) I know it's just stating the obvious but speed and quality just come with experience, you just sort of...
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    Dri coat plaster

    Hack off back to brick, brush down wall (dust), drill - inject wall and apply Dri Coat, key, leave for 24 hr skim. It's got all the additives in it. Oh and mix outside if possible, horrible stuff to mix, but nice to use.
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    marshall town adjustable internals

    I've got the marshalltown one and it does leave marks.
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    spraying pva

    I wouldn't bother mate I 've worked with guys that have used those garden sprayers for pva and had a go to try. They always clog up in the end, and make a mess on the floor below the wall. Stick to roller/brush thats what I do.
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    I bet that cost and arm and a leg to fix :flapper:
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    Polished Plaster Video's

    Good find, thats a nice site I like the column he did. I've seen it done in college and it looked good, I had a little go but want to do more. Where's the best place to buy the stuff from? and do they have like a starter kit so I can have a little mess about with it?
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    Paper mashy top tip

    This guy is class the stuff he comes out with :RpS_biggrin: Ahmed you should write your own book, id buy it with quality tips like that. :RpS_thumbsup:
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    Internal rendering job -

    Didn't see other posts - nevermind how do you edit :RpS_confused:
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    Internal rendering job -

    He was on about putting another coat of S+C on to build it out more, because he put it on to thin or the wall was just to thick to do in one coat Kevmc. (not skim) But I agree with you about the skim same day is a no no. And Spark you should have no problems putting another coat of S+C on the...
  29. S

    Level 3 Diploma in plastering?

    Yes, Im doing the Level 3 Diploma atm. These questions are they in the blue test unit books you have to do? It's a good course though isn't it well worth doing for all the specialist fibrous stuff and all the curved work you have to do. It's a nice change from doing straight walls all the time.
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    Rooms skimmed for £80

    I've seen a van around lpool with exactly the same on it rooms for £80 and thought how can he be making £££ :RpS_confused: It's definitely just tasty bait to get the jobs then when he does rapes them for more money :rolleyes)
  31. S

    grey bonding

    I used to use the grey stuff all the time but dont really see it now, which is a good thing because I know what you mean it does take ages to go off. I like the easy speadable pink stuff, well it just seems the same really but with less vermiculite in.
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    the most informative video you will ever watch in your life

    LMAO nice find steve those vids are class I needed a laugh :RpS_laugh: . I think hes been sniffing to much glue and plaster by the looks of it in the second vid 38 seconds in.
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    Council scum!

    LOL sounds EXACTLY like a job I had the other week same size board and skim. Fat gits didn't move anything out, so I told them then they moved the sofas there was food, toys all kinds of s**t under the cushions. She said don't worry about the curtains i'm getting new ones anyway (yeah heard that...
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    Bond It

    How big is the area? If you can't use plasterboard > EML then give it a coat of bonding?
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    Another one :ohmy: I heard they were taking over some of the Connaughts work when they went bust aswell.
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    Bloody misses again

    If you're getting misses then you need lay your coats on more even and concentrate more when it comes to flatten, or you need more light? Maybe you're trying to flatten to early and just leaving more lines and hollows? It's important you time it right and get your lines out and hollows...
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    PVA brush or roller?

    Everyone must use both? roller for the big bits long pile to go over artex, and brush to get the smaller places.
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    LOL Steve's is the best I like it. Here's a quick one I did because I'm sick of seeing that brickie trowel :flapper:
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    s*p*r*lex trowel

    Thats not a good sign when they haven't got a clue about it. So it's only worth getting if you do alot of curved surfaces?
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    New to the game (cscs)

    Damn. I went to college for years and really all I had to do was go to these plastering gods who will teach you everything in a weekend, and I could be earning £2343522 a week on easy domestics!!!!!! Seriously though, you say "easy domestics" but I bet that you'll run in to problems that they...
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    Just work away from the bead so that the bead doesn't get covered and you don't get a build up so that there's room for the skim. If you do get any on the bead just wipe it off when possible. I like your tip though, but like NRM says you might scratch them too much.
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    multi finish / board finish

    Prefer Board finish me. Cba with multi it tends to hang alot. no poll?
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    what type of waterproofer?

    I use Everbuild or Sika all the time good stuff.
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    how long

    It's interesting how everyone does things differently, but that does seem like a long-winded way Bubbles. Just get them on and give it a few hours I wouldn't recommend skimming them straight away.
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    Doesn't take long to get used to them. Just practise on them where there's walls in reach either side. when you get abit more confident on them, like Oasis said put them on a high setting and when you go lower you will see how easy it is. Some good tips above so nothing much more I can say. Just...
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    compound or scrim???

    I just use scrim, no compound. Been using that silver scrim lately, sticky stuff! Alot better would recommend it.
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    ss marshalltown miget trowel

    Yes, I have a marshalltown stainless steel midget trowel and it's worth every penny, great little trowel I use it all the time.